Cluster Headache: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments


Cluster headaches are a serious condition that affects the majority of men and women. They’re known to occur in bursts and can last for several weeks or months at a time. While there are many different types of cluster headache, the most common type is referred to as episodic cluster headaches. These types of headaches tend to occur on one side of the face and can come with a sudden onset of pain that comes on quickly.

Cluster headaches are a fairly serious condition that can get worse if not properly treated.

You can’t ignore cluster headaches, as they can be very serious if left untreated. They can be dangerous and even life-threatening if left untreated.

The best way to treat cluster headaches is to use medication and/or herbal supplements. These are usually taken daily or as needed for when a headache is about to begin. Surgery may also be an option for some people with cluster headaches, but only after all other options have been exhausted first. Acupuncture and hypnosis have also been shown in studies to help control the frequency of attacks experienced by those with CHs, though these treatments are not always covered by health insurance companies or available at every location where they could potentially benefit from them–so make sure you look into these options before making any decisions!

Cluster headaches come in many different types.

There are several different types of cluster headaches, and each one can be more or less severe.

  • Abdominal type (A-type)
  • Occipital type (O-type)
  • Classical cephalic (C-type)

These types vary in their symptoms and how they’re diagnosed. The A-type is usually less severe than the others, while the O-type is typically much more painful than other types. C-types tend to be chronic and difficult to treat effectively, while O-types are often short lived but still very intense.

About 20% of people with cluster headaches experience these more intense types.

There are two primary types of cluster headaches, classified as episodic or chronic. Episodic cluster headaches are characterized by periods of intense pain that occur regularly and then disappear. The majority of people with cluster headaches have episodic attacks, which usually last one to two hours and occur in cycles between one and 12 times per year.

Episodic cluster headaches can be broken down into three categories:

  • Occasional (less than 15 days per month)
  • Frequent (15 to 180 days per month)
  • Chronic (more than 180 days per month)

People who experience occasional clusters may experience only one “episode” each day for several days at a time, but those with more frequent episodes may go through weeks without experiencing any symptoms whatsoever before having the next episode come on.

They tend to strike worse during the summer and fall.

It’s not just the winter months that bring on cluster headaches. They tend to strike worse during the summer and fall, but can happen at any time of year. For example, in one study of more than 100 people with CH, most reported that their CH attacks were triggered by an external event (such as emotional stress) and by changes in weather or barometric pressure.

These types of cluster headaches can be treated with specific treatments, but it’s important to find the right one for you.

It’s important to know that there are many different types of cluster headaches, and the right treatment for you depends on the type you have. The most common types can be treated with specific medications, such as verapamil or lithium. Other types may respond better to herbal and vitamin supplements, including Ginkgo biloba extract and magnesium. Some people who experience these recurring headaches find that they go away completely when they take preventive medication on a daily basis.

Specific medications can cause drowsiness, and there may also be concerns about addiction or side effects.

Specific medications can cause drowsiness, and there may also be concerns about addiction or side effects. As with any treatment, you should check with your doctor before taking these medications to make sure they’re safe for you.

Cluster headache medications include:

  • DHE (dihydroergotamine) – This medication is also used to treat acute migraines. It’s injected below the skin as needed and works quickly (within 10 minutes). It can be addictive if taken too often, so it’s often used only when needed during an attack. Side effects include flushing, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, chest pain or tightness. DHE is not recommended for people who have heart problems or high blood pressure; other drugs are safer choices for those patients

Herbal and vitamin supplements are also common supplements used to treat cluster headache.

A number of herbal and vitamin supplements are also common supplements used to treat cluster headache.


Magnesium is a mineral that helps relieve pain and relax the muscles. Magnesium works well when taken with vitamin B2, which can help improve brain function and reduce anxiety. Magnesium may also be helpful in treating other conditions associated with cluster headaches, such as migraine headaches or depression.[5]

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Riboflavin is important for normal brain function,[6] so it’s possible that taking more riboflavin could help reduce your risk of getting cluster headaches.[7] Although it’s unclear how much riboflavin would be effective at preventing cluster headaches compared to other treatments (such as oxygen therapy), people who have low levels of this vitamin may want to consider taking supplements containing 400 mg per day.[8] This dose has been shown safe for most people over age 16 years old who don’t have any known health conditions affecting how they metabolize nutrients.[9] You can find riboflavin-fortified foods like milk or cereal listed on food labels under “vitamin B2″ with each serving providing between 2 and 6 milligrams of this nutrient depending on what type you buy!

Cluster headaches can be a serious medical condition, and you should see your doctor if you have any symptoms at all.

Cluster headaches are a major medical condition. They are not just a headache, and they can be life-threatening. If you have symptoms of cluster headaches, see your doctor immediately.

Cluster headaches usually occur in cycles lasting from two to six weeks up to several years at a time. During the cycle, people with cluster headaches may experience intense pain in one eye or both eyes for about 15 minutes during each episode. The pain can be so severe that it wakes them up from sleep or it interrupts their daily activities.


If you have any of the symptoms described here, it’s important to see your doctor. They can help you determine if you’re at risk or if you need treatment. If your doctor doesn’t know much about cluster headaches or isn’t willing to help you find someone who does, it might be time for a new one!

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